Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Brother, the dog model...By Pepper

My brother has been bragging about his modeling career lately.  My brother?  A model?  Yeah right, and my dad is a brain surgeon.  My brother has a better chance of landing on a "Ten Most Unwanted List" than he does landing on the cover of Chihuahua Quarterly or Vanity Fair for Canines. 

What got my brother's head thinking he was a runway dog?  Apparently, there was some stupid spam email contest that my mom found about a month or two ago.  Click here to vote for Mr. Wendell .  The general idea is that you submit a photo of your pet to this site.  Then, other schmuckos with no life vote on the cutest pet (oh yeah, you can vote for you own pet as fast as you can hit enter on your computer).   If your uglier than me furry kid gets voted into the Top 1,500 they end up in a book.  (Of course, there were more instructions on how to buy the book than instructions on how to vote...)

So, my mom submitted this photo:

It is a dapper picture of the lad.  I get that.  However, I doubt he will get a 4 page spread in PawBoy. 

Now his head is bigger than normal, even for a Chihuahua.  He wants his nails done.  He sniffs disapprovingly of his camo dog jacket.  He has started eating tissues and ice cubes so that he can control his weight.  He is even practicing walking around with one paw crossing the next so that he can walk like the rest of the models.  Give me a break. 

Your hair is thin.  Your eye balls are big.  You have spots instead of a lustrous shiny coat like me.  I should be on the web site...not you!

I may pee on the carpet and try to make it look like you did it.  Ugly boy!

Ms. Pepper...the real model

1 comment:

  1. He got my vote....of course, Miss Pepper is a cover girl...that's for sure. Grandma
