Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My brother...the gorilla. By Mr. Wendell

I am announcing a new edition to the family. Ivindo the Gorilla.

What? A gorilla he said? I did not stutter.
For my mom's birthday, my dad adopted a gorilla. Why you ask? Well...a few weeks ago, there was a segment on the Today show about Damien Aspinall, a guy who has done some pretty amazing work protecting endangered animals.
In the segment, they show a reunion between Mr. Aspinall and one of his rescued gorillas that had been returned back to the wild. The footage (below) is pretty amazing. Real evidence that animals do have memories and feelings and connections.

Well, my mom was really touched by the reunion. My dad, being a guy who really cares for my mom (he also has a softspot for animals), went to the Aspinall Foundation website ( and adopted us a brother!

Ivindo is his name. Here is a picture of him...

He is calm and quiet reportedly.
I welcome him to our family! Pepper is pretty miffed. She thinks it will dilute her inheritance.
Mr. Wendell

1 comment:

  1. Pepper is right. It will dilute her trust fund...what else is going to be adopted? Lion, tigers and bears? Oh my! Grandma
