Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Challenge to Cesar Pepper

Dear Cesar,

My name is Pepper Penelope Roshitsh and I hereby challenge you to a face off.  You name the time.  You pick the place.  I will have you quitting your show, recalling your books and surrounding yourself with cats.  I (ahem) double dog dare you to try that "pshhhh" "pshhhhh" crap with me.  Some lady with a clicker and a line of references a mile long is now in a padded room muttering my name.  You don't scare me!

I have had a long line of victories over dog trainers, dog whisperers and other charlatans who believe they can teach me how to behave.  I have been kicked out of two dog obedience schools.  My mom had to do the walk of shame past all of the other mom's whose dogs were behaving as we were escorted to the door. 

It is not that I don't behave.  Oh, I can behave when I want to.  It is a matter of motivation for me.  WIIFP?  (Whats In It For Pep?) 

Your little dog whisperer sorcery may work on furniture chewing beagles, barking dalmations and puddle making poodles.  However, I will turn you into the Dog Whimperer after you view my Pepperness.

Leave me a comment Cesar....bring it on.



  1. Whoa, what brought this on? Was it one of Cesar Milan's show, or is Miss Pepper PMS'ing? Yikes, I think she needs a talking to (from Grandma, that is). grandma

  2. You're scare'n me, Pepper. I hope you're nice to your old pet sitter. Perhaps a bribe or two to Crissy field will work. Nola only 15 days!

  3. Nola,

    Pepper and I are looking forward to seeing you. I promise she will be good.

    Mr. Wendell
