Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pepper can spell...Mr. E

Have you ever found yourself spelling words in front of your dogs so they do not understand? 

Like, "Hey Christine, do you want to take the D-O-G-S on a W-A-L-K?  Or, this B-O-N-E is too small, lets get them a new one."

What happens when the D-O-Gs get smart enough to figure out what you are spelling?

It is scary, but we are now at that level at our house.  Both Wendell and Pepper have figured out many of the words that we have resorted to spelling to keep thier little ears from hearing.  Pepper is so good, she is ready to enter the Scripps National Spelling Bee.  She would likely take a trophy at some level.

We came across this a few times with some specific words.  "N-E-W   B-O-N-E" as in, "Let's get Pepper a new bone."  Spelling NEW BONE will now get her off of the coach and running to the pantry where she will stand wagging her tail waiting for the treat.  T-R-E-A-T can get her off the coach after the letter "R".

B-E-D is a word she can also spell.

We now have to speak in code using words that are synonyms of the intended words.  Soon, we will have to spell those!  Then what will we do?


p.s. as I read this stupid post to Christine P-E-P-P-E-R went into a frenzy resulting in Christine getting her a N E W - B O N E....I guess that was BONE HEADED of me!!!


  1. That's my grand-doggies...I expect nothing less from step is getting them enrolled in an IVY league college. I'm so proud of them. Grandma

  2. ... or learn a foreign language. :(
