Monday, February 15, 2010

Yesterday was the best day of our lives...

Yesterday may have well been the best day of Pepper and I's lives.  We have expereinced years of first class air travel, five star hotels and Zagat survey rated meals prepared by Christine, our very own personal chef.  Pepper and I are two very hard dogs to impress.  However, my dad managed to pull it off with a simple car ride to a new place.

Yesterday was a sunny beautiful day.  My dad thought a trip to Golden Gate Park to let us take a walk would be a good way to spend the day.  He is kind hearted, but generally slow and he failed to realize that every other person in  San Francisco would have the same exact idea.  Knucklehead. This is what it looked like going into the park..

Anyways, after driving around futiley looking for a parking spot, he said "I know exactly where we will go".  This brought a yawn from Pepper and a few grumbles from my mom about he should have probably knew that today would be a bad day for this sort of thing.  Stubborn he is, I will give him that. He pressed on.

We landed at Crissy Field and hit the doggie day jack pot.  There are all sorts of paths, dogs to meet, bushes to take leaks on and fields where dogs do not need to wear leashes.  At a website called "Dogster", Crissy Field gets five paws out of five for us dogs.   (Click here to visit Dogster review of Crissy Field).

Of course, my attention deficit disordered father forgot the camera in the car.  You will have to look at this stock photo he shamelessly grabbed from someone else's web site to get the idea.  Anyways, Pepper and I enjoyed about an hour of walking around.  We met dozens of other dogs and had a great time.  There were no barks, bites or other bad behavoir. 

Both Pepper and I agreed that the old man had made real beef gravy out of a nasty can of Alpo!

Two paws up!

Pepper and Wendell

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