Two weeks into city living and all of us are adapting quite well. Mr. Wendell and Pepper are walking with a lot of confidence. They have gradually gotten more used to the sounds, motion and people that they meet on their daily excursions.
I have been riding the "Muni" every day back and forth to work. The 2.0 miles or so to work is a little long to walk on most days. So, I turned into a legitimate city dweller and bought a pass to the Muni. The Muni is the subway here in San Francisco. It is pretty clean, easy to ride and fast...it only takes about 12 minutes door to door for me to get back and forth to work. Walking it took me 35 minutes.

Most days, the Muni is not very crowded. However, Friday night is a mad house. You have heard of the "Thrilla in Manilla" right? Well...Friday night is what I now call "Fight Night on the Muni..."
(Read in your best boxxing announcer voice....)
In this corner, hailing from Berlin Center, Ohio wearing the Blue Suit and White Shirt, weighing in at 172 lbs...with a Muni Fight record of 0-2...
"Misssssster Pooooooooliiiiiiiite!"
And in this corner, standing four foot six and weighing in at 87 lbs, hailing from San Francisco or China, or Japan or Korea....with a Friday Night Muni Fight Record of 100-0 with 89 knockouts and 11 fatal wounds inflicted....the Little Unnamed Asian Lady...
Four and a Half feet of Dyyyyyyyy-noooooooooo-mite!!!!
Seriously...picture 100 tired middle aged guys in business suits and 10 little old Asian ladies clutching handbags trying to get into the Muni. You would think that the size and strength would win out. Frankly, it is not even a fair fight...
The train pulls up....the door slowly opens and then the blood flies. Pushing, shoving, kicking, men crying for their mommas, biting, screaming, elbows flying and the distinct sound of bodies slamming up against the train walls...
It looks like a Texas Cage Fight...with more blood!!!! When the bell rings for the door to close and the train to move the only ones standing are the little old Asian ladies.
I would love to say I am exaggerating.
Maybe I am a little bit...
Most of the kind looking little old Asian ladies are less than 4' 6""!!!!
Hey, Stop picking on the "little" people. I resemble that! Dee