Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Mom and Dad are bankrupting Red Robin Restaurants...By Mr. Wendell

None of you had any idea I am an active stock trader.  Somehow, I managed to hide this talent well.  Don't let my mild mannered demeanor and apparent lack of discretionary investable funds fool you.  I am a four legged version of Warren Buffett. 
In fact, if you look closely, we even look alike!

Here is a stock tip for all of my dedicated readers. 

Short Red Robin Restuarant Stock!
Check out the chart  Red Robin's Stock Chart NASDAQ:RRGB  the picture does not lie!

Now, I will let you all know why the stock is down.  Analysts blame the you the notion that people are not eating burgers and fries in the down turn.  Bully-sticks I say!

The real is reason can be traced back to my mom and dad. 

Until August 1st of this year, my mom and dad ate at Red Robin's at least once a week.  Typically, they would each eat a burger and have two or three margharitas served up by the Amazing Linda, the best bartender in the universe.  Do the math folks.  My mom and dad were a major sales revenue channel for Red Robin that has disappeared.

Now that they have moved, the average amount of beef and tequila moved by Red Robin has been reduced greatly...resulting in the restuarant missing sales figures.  Hence, the stock price getting slammed. 

There are no Red Robins near our new house.  If Red Robin wants to move the stock, then they need to move more Burning Love Burgers or Jamaican Jerk Chicken Sandwiches.  How they would do that is by putting a Red Robin on the corner of Van Ness and Market Street!

For those of you who want to make some money, until RR wakes up and smells the french fries, short the stock!

Mr. Wendell

1 comment:

  1. Don't ever stop writing this Blog Mr. Wendell ans Pepper. I'm an addict and read you often. I love knowing what's going on in your day! love, grandma
