Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bums, Trust Fund Brats and Bart Bad Boys....Mr. Ed

So, on the eve of the Thanksgiving Holiday time for a snarky rant or three! 


First, let me go off on the trust fund brats at the UC Berkeley.  It seems that the laws of the economy don't apply to you if you go to school there.  If you were not aware, California is a state the subsidizes college tuition for the kiddies who are residents going to state schools.  A pretty cool deal for the residents of California.  Until the economy went south.  Currently, if the state of California were a company, it would be bankrupt and out of business.  State government slack jaws have decided to tax businesses out of the state...but that is a different story. 

Anyways, the state has had to reduce some services, cut some classes (Story Link Here)  and the like to try to make up for the budget deficits.  Included in these cuts have been a reduction in custodial services at UCB.  So, this week the news has been filled with pictures of our future doctors, engineers, lawyers and leaders protesting, dumping garbage and damaging the school they go to.  Trust fund brats who hop into BMWs and Mercedes to go home have decided that the economy does not apply to them and are protesting.  Knuckle heads.


Christine got an eye full today.  Apparently a 19 year old female meth head decided to empty both tanks (if you get my drift) on the side walk right in front of Christine about three blocks from our house.  Nice.  San Francisco is a beautiful place...but a little less so on the side walk between our Condo and Costcos!

Bad Boys on the BART:

BART is the train system between downtown and most of the burbs of San Francisco.  It is a great system, but as you are sharing it with all sorts of folks you get a slice of humanity cut in every direction.   When the news took a break from the brats at UCB, they focused ad nauseum on the poor police officer who had to drag a knucklehead off of BART over the weekend. 

Apparently, a guy (probably a UCB grad!) that had been arrested earlier in the day for public disturbance decided he needed to catch a train home.  You guessed it...he decided to cause a disturbance on the train, prompting the train conductor to contact the police.  The officer met the train at a station and attempted to talk to the bonehead like a rational adult.  Said bonehead decided that yelling at the cop was a good idea.   The officer grabbed the guy and yanked him off the train and out the door.  The crowd on the train gives the cop an ovation as he takes the jerk off the train.   Apparently, they had to put up with this numbskull for miles. 

It is hard to see exactly what happened on the video (BART Story) but as the cop puts him off the train the guy falls and breaks a window with his head.  It did not look agressive or excessive to me, but of course every citizen's group in San Fran is decrying the excessive force.  I say shut up already!  First, the idiot would not have been tossed off the train if he was not violating everyone elses rights.  Second, the officer gave him a chance to act like a responsible adult and get off the train (he chose to yell at the cop).  Finally, the officer did not beat the guy up or go over the top.  He took him off the train and unfortunately a window got broken.

I cannot imagine what it must be like to be a good honest law enforcement officer these days.  With cell phones, YouTube and a component of society that believes they have the right to act like fools it must be hard to do the job they do.  Hats off to them!


  1. Wow, do much for life in the big city... It is great living in the city; on the other hand, some of the people that are in the city are just stupid and crazy and make other people's lives just miserable with their stupid self-centered actions. Unfortunately, you have to take the good with the bad living in the city. Just keep your eyes peeled at all times. Be safe please and watch out for those "nuts'. Dee

  2. So far the only thing I haven't read about yet is the bike messengers.... Did they all go tame or have you just not seen any yet? There used to be a famous one. He had a huge mohawk and wore a fringed coat so he could look like an indian. Then he drove his bike very fast and radical and would screem like a banshee indian whenever he came up to a corner or a car was actually trying to use the same road as he was. He's probably too old for the bike messenger gig anymore... He's probably just hanging out around the civic center. HA BTW, my friend said it's pretty bad when the walk up ATM now has a sign that says "No Camping at night" (like it's okay during the day! Can't wait for March. Hope everyone had a great TurkeyDay!
