23 days and counting until the big adventure!
I am surprised at how many people have told me that they have always wanted to take a trip like this. Every person I mention this trip to gives me a combination of looks that hint of both wistfulness and envy.
Then I tell them that our two dogs and the in-laws are coming as well. "The look" usually turns into one of "Are you absolutely nuts???!"
People have asked me how my mother and father in law were allowed into this adventure. The honest answer is my lovely wife asked me an impossible question for a husband to answer.
It went down something like this....
It went down something like this....
"Hey babe (faux cheerfully...), I was telling my parents about the trip. They were really interested and excited about it. You know, it would be cool...if they came along. I really don't want to drive, my dad would suuurrrre be helpful. Would you mind?"
Similar to the infamous guaranteed argument causing "Does this dress make me look fat?" question. There is simply no good answer to a question like that.
Unlike many married males who would have probably started consulting the pre-nuptial agreement before answering, I was able to cheerfully answer yes. I have very cool in-laws and would probably choose to travel with them as friends. They are good and fun people. They are not going to show up on this site http://www.mycrazyin-laws.com/ anytime soon. (Disclaimer: Yes, they do have access to this site....5,100 miles is a long time!)
We are booking hotel and campground nights this week. True to our desire to avoid as many Clark Griswald moments as possible, we are not staying here....
That wraps it for me. Another post from someone in the next 4-5 days.
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