Sunday, August 30, 2009

Race Morning

Louisville, home of Ali, feels great for a race this morning! I got up at 3:00 to begin the process of hydrating, eating and preparing for the day. I made it to the bike pen about 5:00, pumped my tires and set the final food stores for the day. The temperature is nice...about 60 or so I would say. Perfect to get the day started.

I was walking back from the bike pen when a majority of folks were headed in the opposite direction. There were a few people laughing, but most had serious looks on thier faces. I am sure I have had that look a few times myself. This is my 7th or 8th Ironman race so I have lost the worry. Cranking some Green Day loud on my headphones and a big smile on my face, I know I have gone the distance before. I am just happy to be here, healthy and able to compete. It is a privelege. There are many folks who would just love to be able to walk...let alone do an Ironman. I am lucky.

FYI...using an application on my iPhone, I calculated my calorie burn today at roughly 13,000 calories. To put that into perspective, that is 200 slices of white bread!

What else? I am starting the Dramamine in about 30 minutes. 1:20 minutes on the water makes me seasick. I have learned from races past that if Dramamine is not in the equation, the first 10 minutes out of the water make me stumble around like I drank a case of beer by myself...without the fun.

I am fired up. Ready. Relaxed.

Will let you know how the race went!

1 comment:

  1. You Go Ed. We'll be cheering you on, even you don't see us...we'll be cheering you on. Love, Dee and Bill p.s.-wish we were there though.
