Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two weeks to go...by Mr. Wendell

I can see that my blog has been taken over by amatuers: Pepper with her constant snivelling and my dad and his constant talk of Ironman. Both of them make me want to circle three times and plop down for a long nap.

My dad had to revise the trip plan a bit. The number of stops and miles on the initial plan would have left no time in many of the destinations to do anything but hang out for a few hours and move on to the next locale. I say, "If you have seen one tree, you have seen them all", so no fur off of my back.

So, the trip will now hit the following places:

Lake Cour D'Lene, Idaho

Deer Lodge, Montana

Mount Rushmore

Cheyenne, Wyoming

Colorado Springs/Pike's Peak

Sante Fe, New Mexico

Grand Canyon, AZ

Las Vegas, NV

Sequoia National Park, CA

San Francisco/Napa Valley Area, CA

and up Pacific Coast Highway for a few stops.

All of these stops have cool things to see and do...if you have two legs. My sister and I are probably going to wish it was over before we pull out of the driveway. Seeing my dad hang out at a camp site with one of these on his head will make me wish I had not been rescued...

Mr. Wendell

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