This morning I made a feeble attempt to throw myself in front of a moving car while my mom drug me around the neighborhood for my "morning walk". This was a protest attempt. Not because I was angry about being rudely taken from a warm bed and pulled though wet grass naked...though that would surely be motive enough. Nope, this time I was protesting the idea of being loaded into a UHaul van with windows and a kitchen to tour the western US. What's next? Country music?
Call it an RV all you want. You are not fooling me. Oh yeah...the big "RENT ME" sticker on the side of the moving van with an air matress? Classy. Real Classy. It screams to the world that not only do you have the poor taste of embarking on a 21 day marshmallow and weiner roast...but you can not even afford to buy a real RV. You have to RENT one! Take me back to the puppy mill I say.
My brother showed me a few other of the locations that my dad is thinking about visting (click for more info).
The National Pez Dispenser Museum:

The World's Largest Quilt Museum! (Please make it stop!)

And finally, this gem. Imagine the joy on your children's faces as you pull into the parking lot of the National Outhouse Museum!!! "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

I have tried my best to prevent this trip. I have one last card to play...I truly feel like I am coming down with Swine Flu.
H1N1 is my last hope...otherwise, it looks like this thing is on...
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