Today, the tribe outvoted me and decided that we needed a down day from site seeing. Instead of touring the best Cheyenne had to offer, the team wanted to pack up and get to Colorado Springs early. The idea being we could set up camp, hang out, watch some TV, nap etc. etc. etc. and not do anything too strenuous. Though I was wanting to head into Cheyenne, I decided getting to Colorado early would not be so bad either. What the heck...I could hop on my bike and pound out some high altitude miles.
So, I get my bike put together and head out. Fountain, Colorado is about 12 miles south of Colorado, Springs. It is a pretty area in general with Pike's Peak within view and other mountains in site. It really is a post card.
I bike about 6.5 miles out from the camp site and I was feeling good! It was really hot, the road was nice and there was little traffic. I had lots to think about considering all we have seen in the last week.
My bicycle bliss moment was interrupted by the sound all bikers dread. POP!!!!PSssshhhhhhh.....POP!!!!! PSSSssssshhhhhh! The dreaded double flat. Any flat is a pain in the butt...but two? Ouch! Irritated, but smug in the fact that I ALWAYS carry three tubes and three air canisters, I set about getting ready to do the double lung transplant.
Well, if you remember back, maybe you recall the TSA agent fiasco I had in Louisville? Well, this time the TSA agent did his job on the trip back from Louisville to Seattle. They removed the air canisters from my bike bag (against airline rules) and packed my bike nicely. So nicely, that it looked like they did not open it...I badly assumed they did not even look at it. I never checked my bag when I got back to Seattle.
So, here I am in the middle of no where...with two flats. 6.5 miles from my RV. I called Christine and let her know that dinner may be a little late. I started walking...side by side with my bike...in my road bike shoes...click, click, click....6.5 hot, longggg miles...

So...now for my rant.
On my walk back I was passed by at LEAST 100 empty bedded pick up trucks. No one slowed or stopped. So much for country hospitality. Fountain,Colorado folks must be fresh out of friendly. Not one of the trucks stopped. It could have been my imagination but it seemed that more than a few sounded like they hit the passing gear as they passed. I guess a skinny guy, in lycra, walking a bike with hubs that cost more than your truck has to be a sight unseen in these parts.
You would think someone would stop and just ask if I was okay. Nope. If I saw one of these chuckleheads on the side of the road standing by a dead horse on it's side, I would stop and ask if they needed help. I guess they figured a guy on a bike must be mentally slow or something.
And, to top that off, Fountain's Police were on patrol. In the 1:47:13 hours it took me to walk home, four of Fountain's finest passed me. How many stopped? Not one!!!!
You have got to be kidding me! Serve and Protect? How about just SERVE? What else are you doing out here? I suspect Fountain, Colorado has one of the lowest crime rates in the US...surely there is time to check on a guy walking beside a bike? They could have at least asked if I was okay. Heck, check me out to see if I am on a Most Wanted poster...do anything but drive by. I guess the jelly doughnuts down at Mabel's Cafe just got out of the oven.
1:47:13...I walk into the camp site...hot, tired and thirsty.

Thank goodness for cold beer.
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