Miss Tracy: The circus side show family that showed up a few days ago piled back into the CruiseAmericamobile this morning. I am glad. I kept sniffing Mr. Wendell wondering what he had rolled around in to make him smell like a cattle drive. I never did figure it out. The fact that he and his brat sister will soon be 3 hours away may make MY hair fall out like my big brothers.

Mr. Wendell: Sorry Miss Tracy. Frankly, Pep and I would have rather stayed here and hung with you and King Syrus in Carmel Valley. The last thing we wanted to do was get back into the back yard aluminum tool shed with windshield wipers.

King Syrus: Well, your humans apparently enjoyed themselves. You would have thought they were from Bangledesh or some other impoverished nation. Judging from comments like…
“The water is so clean here and plentiful.”
“Ahhh, a bed, what a great invention.”
“These things on the side of our food plates made of metal…what are they? What do you do with them?”
“Cool, the outhouse is inside the building…we don’t have to walk to find one.”
Pepper: I was really embarrassed. I have to admit, there were NO moments where I was thinking about anything other than what new adoptive parents might be like. Our cousins, King Syrus and Miss Tracy were gracious hosts. They shared bones, let us run in their yard and did not mind sharing a pee pad or two. Margaret and Ken were also awesome…
Miss Tracy: My mom and dad took the group to Pebble Beach, the 17 mile drive and Carmel. Not because they wanted to give them a tour…but because they wanted your parents out of the house.
Here are a few pictures. Including one of tourist trinkets “Carmel-Style”!

Apparently, the downtown Carmel tour did not last long. Ed’s newly grown mullet, wife beater T-Shirt, “This is not a beer belly, it is a gas tank…” hat and chained-truckers wallet was not welcomed in Carmel. Clint Eastwood reportedly wanted to go Dirty Harry on Ed for real and he was asked to leave.
King Syrus: Good riddance. If I hear “Syrus is soooooo cute” one more time by the one they called Christine, I am going to yack up a can of Alpo.
Only 800 more miles to go…Wendell
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