Sorry that my dad has bored you with his race updates (yawn). It seems to me that all it does is make him walk around like he is 84 years old, get out of bed at stupid times and make my mom yell about his stinky workout clothes. I am going to put the Internet lock on him so he does not post here again for a long time. Lets get back to the purpose of this update you on the trip plans.
We have seven days to go before we head out. My mom decided that we needed to sport some wheels for the trip that would allow my sister and I to do tourist things with them. My sister wanted something subtle and understated like this:

Instead, my mom spent days researching various modes of transport befitting dogs of our social stature and needs and came up with this. The "AT3 All Terrain Dog Stroller". This is not your regular dog way! It comes with a detachable sun cover, 11 inch wheels, independent front wheel steering, a luggage rack, a six CD sound system, power locks, rear view back-up camera, 6 cup holders, 7 bag, side impact air bag system, GPS, ice maker and an optional six bottle wine cooler. My mom even got the scotch guard for the seats and extended power train warranty.
In typical OCD fashion, mom and dad are feverishly shopping and stocking up on things for the trip. It is going to be a miracle if there is any room for them or us in the motorhome. They seem to think that Seattle is the only place they sell paperplates, hot dogs and such. I wish Caeser, The Dog Whisperer would come to our house...he would take a look at how good Pepper and I are and then turn on my mom and dad and try to get THEM to be submissive and well adjusted. That would be an 8 hour mini-series versus the one hour shows he normally does.
7 Days before departure.
Mr. W
My son can add a motor to this and really make it worth a million bucks. P.S. Where does the martini shaker go? Have fun I miss you both.